Stella’s Circle

Organization Type: Other Nonprofit
Address: 142 Military Road, St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador A1C 2E6
Contact: Ashley

Stella's Circle Logo

Stella’s Circle transforms lives every day. We provide services to adults who face many barriers to fully participating in their community.  These barriers include mental health challenges, addictions, trauma, poverty, homelessness, criminal justice involvement, low literacy, and long periods of unemployment.
Our mission is to transform lives through Real Homes, Real Help, and Real Work.
Can’t find housing? We offer Real Homes.
The Brian Martin Housing Resource Centre offers counselling, advocacy and other support services to help people find secure housing. Jess’s Place offers a safe, supportive, independent transitional housing for women over the age of 18 in recovery from addiction. Naomi Centre is a temporary shelter and support for women aged 16-29 within a harm reduction model.

Need counselling or support? We offer Real Help.

Emmanuel House is a residential counselling program, offering individual counselling, therapeutic groups and life skills in a supportive environment. The Community Support Program provides intensive assistance to people living independently in the community with complex mental health needs. The Just Us Women’s Centre offers programs and support for women who have been in conflict with the law. Services are also offered at the NL Correctional Centre for Women in Clarenville.

Need work or job training? We offer Real Work.

Our Social Enterprise Training Program offers training to help people work in food service, as trades helpers, or as cleaners. CanDo Enterprises offers flexible on-the-job work experience. Employment Transition Groups help participants to engage in a range of options to address their varying needs as they move towards employment. Job Development and Employment Maintenance ensures opportunities for successful employment for participants who are ready to enter the workforce. Adult Basic Education Level I helps adults complete their schooling.

Need to make new connections?

The Stella’s Circle Inclusion Choir welcomes participants to learn about the joy of singing.

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Stella’s Circle’s Volunteer Opportunities

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We cannot hold a torch to light another’s path without brightening our own.

Ben Sweetland

Contact Stella’s Circle

Get Directions

142 Military Road, St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador A1C 2E6

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