Changes, SSL and Volunteer St. John’s

Feb 11, 2017 | Blog

Some of you may have been noticing some changes around Volunteer St. John’s. And, you’d be right! We’ve recently launched v2.0 of our website’s theme. It’s much the same look and feel, but with a few small optimizations. We’ve improved the event listing section of our website, added job listings, etc. These additions will bring in more traffic and ensure that the volunteer opportunities we have listed are getting filled!

Another big change that we’ve made is the introduction of an SSL certificate. In the address bar of your browser, it should now say that your connection is “secure”. The address is now prefixed with “https” instead of “http”.

Why’d we make this change? We wanted to keep your information secure. We know we’re not handling too sensitive information, but this helps avoid any of it getting compromised.

We’re all about continuous improvement here. If there’s something not working quite right, let us know, and we’ll try our best to address the issue(s)!

If you have any questions about the changes, please let Contact Us.

Here’s to all volunteers, those dedicated people who believe in all work and no pay.

Robert Orben