Easter Seals NL

Organization Type: Other Nonprofit
Address: 206 Mount Scio Rd, St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador A1B 4L5
Contact: Sabrina
Website: https://easterseals.akaraisin.com/ui/runwalkstrollroll2023

Easter Seals NL Logo

Easter Seals NL’s Run, Walk, Stroll, and Roll: DASH FOR DONUTS is happening June 24th (June 25th is our backup rain date!) from 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM at Bowring Park. Choose to run, walk, stroll or roll around the 2 KM loop or the 5 KM loop, and receive a donut at the finish line to celebrate! We will also have a BBQ and live entertainment during the event. Volunteers can register or learn more at https://easterseals.akaraisin.com/ui/runwalkstrollroll2023 or by emailing sabrina@eastersealsnl.ca! Proceeds from the event support over 20 programs and services for people with disabilities in the province.

Easter Seals NL’s Volunteer Opportunities

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The true way to soften one’s troubles is to solace those of others.

Madame De Maintenon

Contact Easter Seals NL

Get Directions

206 Mount Scio Rd, St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador A1B 4L5

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