Dec 10, 2016 | Place, Restaurant
Sundance Bar and Grill Place Type: Restaurant Address: 33 New Gower Street, , Newfoundland and Labrador Phone: (709) 753-7822 Website: Nightclub and restaurant. Seafood & steak house on the premises. Edit The more you lose yourself in...
Dec 10, 2016 | Place, Restaurant
Rumpelstiltskin’s Place Type: Restaurant Address: Hill O’ Chips (Quality Hotel), , Newfoundland and Labrador Phone: (709) 579-6000 Website: Located in the Quality Hotel. International menu featuring Italian and Canadian cuisine. Edit...
Dec 10, 2016 | Place, Restaurant
Papa’s Pier 17 Place Type: Restaurant Address: 15 Rowan St. Churchill Square, , Newfoundland and Labrador Phone: (709) 753-7692 Relaxed dining with the finest selection of seafood steak ribs surf & turf pastas and more. Reservations recommended. Edit The...
Dec 10, 2016 | Place, Restaurant
Red Pepper Restaurant Place Type: Restaurant Address: 31 Peet St., , Newfoundland and Labrador Phone: (709) 753-5999 Website: 2 Locations: 31 Peet Street – (709) 753-5999 38 Hamlyn Road – (709) 754-7600 Mongolian food...
Dec 10, 2016 | Place, Restaurant
Taj Mahal Restaurant Place Type: Restaurant Address: 203 Water Street, , Newfoundland and Labrador Phone: (709) 576-5500 Indian cuisine. Daily luncheon buffet Mon. – Fri. Edit One great, strong, unselfish soul in every community could actually redeem the world....
Dec 10, 2016 | Place, Restaurant
Quintanas de la Plaza Place Type: Restaurant Address: 57 Rowan St. (Churchill Sq.), , Newfoundland and Labrador Phone: (709) 579-7000 Website: Mexican and Canadian cuisine. Edit It is the duty of youth to bring its fresh powers to...