St. John's Nonprofit Organizations
AIDS Committee of Newfoundland and Labrador (ACNL)
Alzheimer's Society of Newfoundland and Labrador
Autism Speaks Canada
Avalon Dragons
Better Business Bureau
Beyond the Wards Canada
Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada
Breast Cancer Canada
Bridges To Hope
Cabot Toastmasters Club
Canadian Blood Services
Canadian Cancer Society
Canadian Institute for the Blind (CNIB)
Canadian Mental Health Association-Newfoundland and Labrador (CMHA-NL)
Canadian National Institute for Blindness (CNIB)
Canadian Red Cross
Chalker Place Neighborhood Centre
Challenger Baseball Newfoundland
ClimaFacts Atlantic
Community Sector Council
Community Volunteer Income Tax Program, CRA
Concerns About Wind Energy (CAWE)
Connections for Seniors
Connelly Research Lab
Crohn's and Colitis Canada
Crohn's and Colitis Canada - Atlantic Region
Cycle for Sight
FIXT POINT Arts & Media
Food Prioducers Forum
Food Producers Forum
Football Newfoundland & Labrador
For the Love of Learning
FOVP Lantern Festival
Friends of MUN Botanical Garden Inc
Friendship Circle NL
Froude Avenue Community Centre
H2O Foundation Inc
Habitat for Humanity Newfoundland and Labrador
Happy City St. John's
Heart and Stroke Foundation
Home Again Furniture Bank
Maitree - The Bridge of Cultures Inc.
March of Dimes Canada
Marguerites Place
Mary's Meals Canada
Melanoma Canada
Mood Disorders Society of Canada
Mount Pearl Frosty Festival
MS Canada
Multicultural Women's Organization of NL
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Canada
Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada
Mummers Festival
MUN Med Monte Carlo Charity Gala
MUN Minds
Nature Conservancy of Canada
Neuropsychiatric Patients' Association of Newfoundland and Labrador
Newfoundland & Labrador Athletics Association
Newfoundland & Labrador Down Syndrome Society
Newfoundland & Labrador Beard & Moustache Club
Newfoundland and Labrador Athletics
Newfoundland and Labrador Brain Injury Association
Nickel Independent Film Festival
NL Health Services - Eastern Urban Zone
Raise Up Fundraising
Red Cross
Rescue NL
Resource Centre for the Arts
Results-Résultats Canada
Royal Canadian Legion, Pleasantville Branch 56
Sci-Fi on the Rock
Scouts Canada - NL Council
Second Harvest
Shaping Generations Inc.
Sharing Our Cultures Inc.
SPCA St. John's
Special Olympics Newfoundland and Labrador
St. John's Farmers' Market
St. John's International CircusFest 2018
St. John's International Women's Film Festival
St. John's Youth Justice Committee
St. Luke's Community Living
Stella's Circle
Take a Pain Check
TeamUP Science
Terror Town (In Support Of Miles for Smiles and Easter Seals)
The Arthritis Society of Newfoundland and Labrador Division
The Association for New Canadians
The Dream Fund
The Fluvarium - QVRRDF
The Foundation Fighting Blindness
The Halifax Helpers
The Sashbear Foundation
The Shoebox Project for Women
The Terry Fox Foundation
The Victoria Park Lantern Festival
WILD Outside St. John's (Canadian Wildlife Federation)
World Oceans Day NL Planning Committee
World Vision Canada
St. John's Nonprofits
St. John's nonprofit organizations are helping make the city a better place. The St. John's Nonprofit Organizations directory lists all the organizations that have joined the Volunteer St. John's community and that are striving to help make the volunteer matching process more effective.
The main purpose for this directory is to make it easier for site visitors, community members and volunteers to make contact with local nonprofit organizations. By doing so, we are giving you another opportunity to promote your organization, raise awareness for your cause, and help attract new support from community members and volunteers.
If you would like to see your own organization listed in the St. John's Nonprofit Organizations directory, then please fill out our registration form. Using this form, we are able to capture vital information about your nonprofit organization (e.g., organization name, type, short description about what you do, contact information, social media pages, etc.). The directory will help give your organization an improved web presence, which will help raise awareness about your cause and attract more interest.
Take action today, sign up, and let us help you with your cause!